Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes
Client: University of South Australia
Location: Adelaide, SA
Budget: $1.13 million
Completion: 2014
Nicolette Di Lernia
Milos Vajdic
AIA 2014 (SA) Commendation in Urban Design
The UniSA City East Campus is located within the eastern end of Adelaide’s cultural boulevard on North Terrace.
The pedestrian link between North Terrace and the public spaces of the campus was in poor condition, under utilised and inadequate for the current and future needs of the University.
The principles that guided the project were:
Create a visual link between the pedestrian areas through a set of connective structural elements
Provide flexible, adaptable spaces that support University life and culture
Apply sustainable solutions that are appropriate, cost-effective and low-maintenance.
In response, a suite of structures was developed to mark entries, define circulation, create shelter and provide varied seating options. Mobile furniture enables events to be held on the Plaza, while external wifi and power coverage facilitates informal study and recreation opportunities.
A simple, robust, low maintenance material palette provides visual consistency. Repetitive forms and details were developed to simplify construction, manage cost and provide the potential for future relocation.
The result is an exciting series of architectural interventions that create destinations and define connections. The project fosters a clear campus identity that is conducive to social interaction, provides informal learning opportunities and is adaptable for the future.