Photo: Sam Noonan

'The Acacias', Loreto College Staff Facilities Photo: Sam Noonan

Photo: Grant Hancock

Photo: Sam Noonan
Grieve Gillett Architects is recognised as a leader in heritage architecture, with expertise in building conservation, adaptive reuse, heritage assessment and conservation policy.
We approach every heritage project with the attitude – do as little as possible and as much as necessary – to achieve positive project outcomes that conserve and enhance the heritage values, while respecting the contemporary needs of owners, users and governments. We adaptively reuse spaces and create contemporary insertions that breathe new life into an existing building, allowing for new functional uses that can be enjoyed sustainably by future generations.
Our extensive experience results in a well-balanced, practical approach to heritage advice and assessment, conservation and adaptive reuse architecture by combining best-practice conservation methods, an understanding of user needs and an appreciation of the positive outcomes possible in all heritage projects.
All of our heritage work is informed by principles of The Burra Charter and current Australian conservation policy and decisions regarding heritage conservation are based on a thorough understanding of the key attributes that contribute to the heritage value of a place. This approach has enable us to successfully negotiate the heritage value and proposed conservation and adaptation works with state authorities.
As Heritage Architects working in South Australia and Victoria, we aim to balance the needs of property owners, conservation standards and a sound understanding of regulatory acts. This is of particular importance within South Australia, where we have experienced client financial constraints and other, often more important priorities need to be balanced against the ‘ideal’ heritage outcome for a particular situation.
Grieve Gillett Architects offers our clients tailored, well-formed and reliable heritage advice with best practice project outcomes.
For more information about our capability and experience, please download a copy of our Heritage & Adaptive Reuse company profile. If you have a specific project that you would like to discuss, please contact our Senior Heritage Architects on (08) 8232 3626 or by email at Elizabeth Little elizabethl@ggarc.com.au or Nicole Dent nicoled@ggarc.com.au