The Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk was recognised at the 2017 South Australian Architecture Awards by many for its connectivity, collaboration, craftsmanship and many aspects of placemaking.
As South Australia’s major public realm project commemorating 100 years of Anzac, the Walk received The Gavin Walkley Award for Urban Design, the City of Adelaide Prize and the People’s Choice Award.
We wish to thank the Institute, juries and the community for the high level of recognition the project has received and are grateful that the Walk has touched many people in a positive way.
The Urban Design jury said, “this seemingly effortless master-stroke of urban design for the City of Adelaide expands beyond the challenging brief to tell the stories of remembrance, service and loyalty while creating a democratic and multi-functional public place for ceremony and contemplation.
The design team found delight and opportunity in both the macro and the micro scale of this project, expanding the brief and delivering a highly crafted and considered urban program that informs the city beyond its site and creates a place of historic contemplation for all.” READ FULL CITATION
In addition, we were honoured to accept the City of Adelaide Prize on the night from the Lord Mayor Martin Haese and the People’s Choice Award sponsored by the Adelaide Review, as recognition for the high value we at Grieve Gillett Andersen place on community, culture and collaborative practice.
Click here to read the City of Adelaide Prize jury citation.