Grieve Gillett Architects Renders: GGA

Grieve Gillett Architects Renders: GGA

Grieve Gillett Architects Renders: GGA

Grieve Gillett Architects Renders: GGA
Client: St Joseph’s School Tranmere, Catholic Education SA
Location: Tranmere, SA
Completion: 2019
Nicole Dent
Tom Doull
Caitlin Murphy
St Joseph’s School in Tranmere was originally founded in 1927 as part of St Joseph’s Parish Church. The school has expanded over the years as adjacent land acquisitions have allowed for expansion and redevelopment.
The evolution of periodical land acquisition and development has resulted in a campus comprising of three distinct and disconnected external areas, combined with some internal spaces that are due for review to bring them into alignment with current and future educational requirements.
In 2018, Grieve Gillett Architects were engaged to deliver a master plan for the school to address these issues. We progressed through an extensive consultation and iterative design process, which resulted in identifying short-term ‘quick wins’, medium-term solutions and a long-term strategy for the School to meet their long-term objectives over the next 15-20 years.
The master plan identified a number of opportunities and proposed works that focus on the front hard play area, school entrance and identity, site wayfinding, GLA upgrades, better utilisation of the Parish Hall, and updated outdoor play areas.