Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes

Grieve Gillett Architects Photography: Peter Barnes
Client: DTEI
Location: Salisbury, SA
Budget: $3.62 million
Completion: 2012
Stuart Stallard
The Laminex Group & The Design Institute of Australia Special Mention - Built Environment Category 2013
SA Health has developed a new model of care for Adult Community Mental Health Service that involves the consolidation of sites across metropolitan Adelaide into six sites. Grieve Gillett Architects was engaged to design the fitouts for two of these sites - Northern and Western Community Mental Health Centres.
Extensive consultation with stakeholders and user groups was conducted to establish the facilities needed.
On the ground floor: An arrival zone providing transition assistance and self help facilities for those “drop-ins” looking for assistance or information. Consultation spaces for the delivery of clinical services, including medical administration.
On the first floor: A meeting and group space, through the provision of meeting facilities that permit formal and informal group sessions to all stakeholders. Workspace for staff to deliver mental health services to consumer and carers.
The fitout provides SA Health with a specialist facility that achieves a safe and accepting environment for consumers, carers and staff.