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Client: Private

Location: Adelaide

Completion: <year>



Dimitty Andersen

Tin Fenton  

Kym Barwell

The design considers the following:

  • Connection at lower level and upper level to existing floor levels

  • Easy movement throughout building and across learning areas

  • Public facing entry to the South of the building for visitors, exhibitions, day to day in and out

  • Celebration of the abundant natural context of the site views, trees, connection to landscape

  • Recognition of the existing architectural quality and signature of the existing Art Building with some angles and materials

  • Recognition of the character of the existing buildings in materials and scale

  • Design solution that celebrates craft, design, artistry and industry in its materials, composition and detail

  • Spatial sizes and relationships that facilitate flexibility of use now and into the future

  • Design that is dynamic, generous and engaging to inspire students and staff

  • Spaces that are or high amenity, that are comfortable and uplifting for staff and students to spend their time

  • Campus style design that celebrates staff and students “learning together”


We have considered sustainability from the earliest stages of the design process. We will also work with a specialist consultant to maximise thermal performance of the building and reduce environmental impact over lifetime of the building. Key sustainability initiatives for Concept Design:

  • Leaving large trees in place on the site

  • Orientation of the internal “public space” to the North façade of the building to maximise shared solar gains

  • Consideration of concrete and other internal “mass” to receive solar heat gain in winter with low sun angles

  • Window shading inherent in design of masonry external façade. Will be developed with specialist engineering services in the Sketch Design phase to model heat gain and loss

  • Reduction of windows on West and reduction of exposed glazing generally

  • Maximising Southern light in teaching spaces for daylight “even light” (not sunlight)

  • Consideration of natural light to all spaces. Ideally multiple sources of natural light for each space

  • Consideration of long views out of the building to landscape beyond

  • Promotion of interior views with transparency across teaching spaces and to external landscape

  • Northern facing skylight to capture heat and sunlight into building in winter

  • Potential to install PV cells which may provide power for internal thermal systems

  • Can consider “night purge” and other initiatives in future refinements

  • Reuse of components of existing building repurposed to reduce waste and acknowledge legacy of previous Architect


Grieve Gillett Architects is an award-winning multidisciplinary architecture, interior design, heritage and urban design practice on Kaurna Land in Adelaide, South Australia.


Our work ranges from education and health facilities, public buildings and urban spaces, commercial, hospitality and retail developments and interiors, heritage conservation and adaptive reuse, transport and infrastructure, performing and visual arts venues, and residential projects, including new buildings, alterations & additions, infill and multiple residential projects.

243 Pirie Street,

Adelaide 5000, South Australia,




08 8232 3626


Grieve Gillett Architects acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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